<aside> 📢 A super simple way to publish personal pages / blogs using Notion for content creation / management and Cloudflare Workers as publisher


<aside> 📌 Check out GitHub:



As Data Scientists (and even techies in general), showcasing the great work you have been doing has become almost as important as (if not more, given the competition in the field) doing great work - be it the latest and greatest Transformer or the latest evolution in ResNets!

But, setting up your own blog, even just a portfolio page, can be a challenge. Even with static site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, or more celebrated ones like Next, Nuxt - the set-up barrier can be daunting. That's why sites like Webflow is getting so popular.

<aside> 📢 Although I must give a shout-out to [fastpages](<https://github.com/fastai/fastpages>) here!


And frankly, if you are looking to publish your jupyter notebook, it's a very good option - unless you are particular about the look and feel, and you would be better off using a custom theme!

But, if you are looking to set up something very quick, and like me is very taken with the Notion app - this might be a very easy way to get started. And if you already using Notion for your studies, or keeping track of all the great talks or blogs by other people, it might be an even better fit.

Hopefully, I'll be able to convince you to just give it a try, or just enough to arouse curiosity - so, let's read on!


<aside> 👉 Copy the [worker.js](<https://github.com/partham16/notion-cloudflare/blob/main/worker.js>) to Cloudflare and edit the configuration


The .js file is almost completely influenced by fruition

Except that I faced an Issue and sent in a Pull Request



<aside> 👉 Prerequisites: Set up your Notion page (make it public) and register at Cloudflare


<aside> 👉 Our Goal: We want to serve the Notion page we created when people to come at our website or the .workers.dev subdomain


<aside> 👉 So, let's look into the documentation for serving another site:


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